
Garden State Times

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

State Would Give Towns Model Ordinances to Address Warehouse Expansion Under Proposed Bill


State Would Give Towns Model Ordinances to Address Warehouse Expansion Under Proposed Bill | Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey(https://s3.amazonaws.com/jnswire/jns-media/f7/30/12035795/37.jpg)

State Would Give Towns Model Ordinances to Address Warehouse Expansion Under Proposed Bill | Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey(https://s3.amazonaws.com/jnswire/jns-media/f7/30/12035795/37.jpg)

Municipalities could soon have access to model ordinances to aid them in addressing warehouse expansion and construction under a bill passed by the Assembly Agriculture and Food Security Committee on Monday. 

The bill (A4950) requires the State Planning Commission to prepare, adopt and disseminate model ordinances to help local governments prevent land-use conflicts when warehouse development applications are received.

"Every municipality in the state would be able to select the model ordinance, or aspects of several ordinances, most appropriate for their individual community. This will allow them to more easily update master plans and zoning ordinances prior to even receiving applications for more industrial complexes. It's important that the state provide these tools and options to towns without any mandate, so they can do what's best for their residents," Sauickie added.

Sauickie's measure has gained the support of the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey, New Jersey Business and Industry Association, New Jersey Farm Bureau, New Jersey State League of Municipalities, Clean Water Action and the League of Conservation Voters


Original source can be found here.