Of the $37.9 billion in taxes collected by New Jersey in 2020, $11.1 billion came from general sales and gross receipts taxes, a 2 percent increase over the previous year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections (STC).
Of the $37.9 billion in taxes collected by New Jersey in 2020, 0.4 percent, or $151.7 million, came from alcoholic beverages sales tax, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections (STC).
There were 24 deaths with nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis listed as the underlying cause reported in New Jersey during the week ending May 8, a 14.3 percent decrease from the previous week.
There were 23 deaths with influenza and pneumonia listed as the underlying cause reported in New Jersey during the week ending May 8, a 8 percent decrease from the previous week.
There were 35 deaths with COVID-19 listed as the underlying cause reported in New Jersey in the week ending June 19, 2021, making up 2.6% of total deaths by all causes in New Jersey.
Of the $37.9 billion in taxes collected by New Jersey in 2020, $278.2 million came from amusements sales tax, a 4.5 percent increase over the previous year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections (STC).
There were 194 deaths with COVID-19 listed as a contributing cause reported in New Jersey during the week ending May 1, a 14.2 percent decrease from the previous week.
There were 934 VA home purchases in New Jersey in the second quarter of the VA's fiscal year 2021, totaling $337.9 million in loans, according to figures provided by the Veterans Affairs Home Loans Index.
Of the $37.9 billion in taxes collected by New Jersey in 2020, 40.6 percent, or $15.4 billion, came from individual income taxes, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections (STC).
The average VA interest rate reduction refinance loan (IRRRL) amount in New Jersey during the second quarter of fiscal year 2021 was $300,888, according to figures provided by the Veterans Affairs Home Loans Index.
In 2020, New Jersey collected $374.6 million in corporations in general license, ranking it fourth in the United States, according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections (STC).
The Economic Development Administration (EDA) issued two grants worth $2,520,000 in 2020 to fund economic development projects through opportunity zones in New Jersey.
New Jersey collected $210 million in miscellaneous tax revenue during the third quarter of 2020, a 32.9 percent decrease from the previous quarter when $313 million was reported, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes.
There were 344 deaths with heart disease listed as the underlying cause reported in New Jersey during the week ending May 1, a 14.3 percent increase over the previous week.
New Jersey collected $333 million in miscellaneous tax revenue during the fourth quarter of 2020, a 58.6 percent increase over the previous quarter when $210 million was reported, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes.
Of the $37.9 billion in taxes collected by New Jersey in 2020, 0.1 percent, or $53.1 million, came from taxes on motor vehicle operator licenses, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections (STC).
New Jersey ranks 42nd among US States with four grants awarded by the US Economic Development Administration (EDA) to fund economic development projects in 2018.
There were 47 deaths with COVID-19 listed as a contributing cause reported in New Jersey in the week ending June 19, 2021, making up 3.5% of total deaths by all causes in New Jersey.
In 2020, New Jersey collected $54.4 million in amusements license, ranking it third in the United States, according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections (STC).